New Hours on Mondays
Monday programming is back at the Youth Zone! Starting July 1st we will be hosting hours from 12:00pm to 5:00pm at the drop-in center. Come prepared to engage in a variety of activites. Check the Events & Happenings page for more information. 


What is the 412 Youth Zone?

At the 412 Youth Zone we’re dedicated to supporting young adults, aged 16 to 23 who are transitioning out of the foster care system or facing unstable housing, in their transition to adulthood. Our mission is to provide a safe and welcoming environment where young people from Allegheny County can find the stability, support, and resources they need to reach their goals and achieve their aspirations.

At the core of our program is the belief that everyone deserves a chance to build positive relationships, learn essential life skills, and have their basic needs met. Our dedicated team work with each young person that enters our doors to do all three. Through our youth-driven, trauma-informed approach we strive to empower individuals to become confident and successful adults.

Our coaches and support staff offer individualized and collaborative support in a variety of areas including education, life skills, housing needs, prevention services, and employment. At the Drop-In Center, our young people have access to laundry and shower facilities, food, clothing, hygiene products, a medical clinic, classes, and a music studio and makerspace to foster creativity. By providing practical assistance and encouraging creative expression we aim to help young people pave their path to a bright future.

Our History

The 412 Youth Zone was founded in 2016 when Auberle was awarded a contract with the Allegheny County Department of Human Services. Over the years, the 412 Youth Zone has seen remarkable growth, enabling us to significantly broaden the ways we serve our young people. We are committed to continuously improving our facilities and enhancing our offerings to provide enriching experiences and comprehensive support for individuals in need.

Our Values

We adhere to a set of values that shape the culture of the Youth Zone and unite our team so we can provide the best support for the young people we serve. These values are:

We believe all people need authentic relationships with caring adults and peers.

We assume positive intent. Every one of us and every young person is doing the best they can to meet their basic needs with the skills they currently have.

We are committed to cultivating a Zone that respects nonviolence, emotional intelligence, social learning, growth and change, social responsibility, open communication, and democracy.

We uphold that young people are the experts in their lives.

We maintain that everyone is capable of change and everyone deserves the chance to change. Change is an iterative process that includes progress, retreats, and stagnation.

We believe each young person we encounter has great potential to make a positive contribution to our community.

Get Connected

Contact a coach, get reconnected, or get answers to your questions.

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